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The American Minimalists
Podium 19, 2021

Enjoy the BL!NDMAN collective’s live performance of ICONS, The American Minimalists, recorded live in concert at the Concertgebouw Brugge in Belgium on February 19, 2021.
Almost every story about minimal or repetitive music starts with the triumvirate Steve Reich, Philip Glass and Terry Riley. Each in their own way, paved the way for one of the most exciting and thriving movements in music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Minimal music has been an inspiration for Eric Sleichim since the 1980s. Today, BL!NDMAN’s demarche towards the renewal of early music finds more than ever a connection with Reich, Glass and Riley whose works draw inspiration from the oldest polyphonic techniques.
In this programme, BL!NDMAN offers a sampling of the exceptional timbres generated by his unique line-up: with his saxophone, string and percussion quartet, piano, electric guitar, tubax and electronics, BL!NDMAN conjures up a 21st-century orchestral sound.

Eric Sleichim: artistieke leiding, arrangementen, tubax, electronica en e-gitaar

BL!NDMAN [sax]
Pieter Pellens: soprano saxophone
Hendrik Pellens: alto saxophone
Piet Rebel: tenor saxophone
Sebastiaan Cooman: baritone saxophone

BL!NDMAN [drums]
Hannes Nieuwlaet: percussion
Yves Goemaere: percussion
Ward De Ketelaere: percussion
Gideon Van Canneyt: percussion

BL!NDMAN [strings]
Stefanie Van Backlé: violin
Femke Verstappen: violin
Monica Goicea: viola
Suzanne Vermeyen: cello

Fabian Coomans: piano

Recording at Concertgebouw Bruges, on the occasion of Podium 19, VRTmax 2021


Philip Glass: Music in Similar Motion
Steve Reich: Nagoya Marimbas
Steve Reich: New York Counterpoint
Terry Riley: In C