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- there is no why here -

[drums] + [sax] + Andrea Molino + Muziektheater Transparant

The difference between ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is not only clear to religious leaders. Even George Bush was convinced that his war on terror was ‘a war of good against evil’. If we dig deeper, however, it seems impossible to define either category in an objective and generally accepted way.

Following up on Hannah Arend, there is no why here outlines ‘the fundamental problem of the nature and function of the human judgment,’ which implies the problem of responsibility. This performance does not pretend to present a clear solution or even straightforward statements. Rather, it is a collection of different, sometimes contradicting contributions.

Images recorded by cameras on stage or by external webcams are an organic counterpoint. The musicians play the video – which is part of the music – as if it were an instrument.

Wouter Van Looy: direction
Andrea Molino: composition and conductor
Giogio Van Straten: libretto

Daniele Naldi: lights
Kurt d’Haeseleer: video

David Moss, Anna Linardou: vocal soloists

BL!NDMAN [sax]
Roeland Vanhoorne, Koen Maas: tenor saxophone

BL!NDMAN [drums]
Tom De Cock, Hannes Nieuwlaet, Stijn Schoofs: percussion

Aline Goffin, Sander De Winne, Annelinde Bruijs: singers
Orchestra di Teatro Communale di Bologna

Johanna Trudzinski: costumes

A production of Muziektheater Transparant and Teatro Comunale di Bologna in coproduction with deSingel. In collaboration with “The Institute for Living Voice” and with GRAME, centre national de création musicale, Lyon.


23 May
Antwerpen (BE)
22 May
Antwerpen (BE)
29 Apr
Bologna (IT)
27 Apr
Bologna (IT)
26 Apr
Bologna (IT)
24 Apr
Bologna (IT)