Besides playing common percussion instruments, BL!NDMAN [drums] virtuously make use of daily life objects. Gems from the contemporary minimalistic percussion repertoire are smoothly woven together into an emotionally intelligent concert.
Eric Sleichim: artistic direction
BL!NDMAN [drums]
Tom De Cock: percussion
Yves Goemaere: percussion
Hannes Nieuwlaet: percussion
Ruben Cooman: percussion
Patterns is a BL!NDMAN production in collaboration with Jeugd en Muziek Vlaanderen and Jeunesses Musicales de Wallonie.

Philip Glass: One + One
Steve Reich: Drumming
Nebojša Jovan Živković: Trio per uno
Roderick de Man: Case History
John Cage: Story
Mitch Markovich: Just two of us
Javier Alvares: Temazcal