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[hybrid] + [drums] + [sax] + [strings]

In the 16th century, Willaert and the Gabrielis filled churches and cathedrals with their brilliant polyphony. Now, the echoes of BL!NDMAN’s singers, strings, brass and turntables resound from the remotest corners of the temples of sound.

Today, the musicians of BL!NDMAN choose decisively for unheard of cross-fertilisation and a fascinating encounter between old and new.

In 2012, the 450th anniversary of the death of Adriaen Willaert was commemorated.

Eric Sleichim: concept and direction
Katelijne Schiltz: musicological research
Frank Agsteribbe,Peter Van Heyghen: epetitor
Kevin Skelton: repetitor voices

BL!NDMAN [sax]
Koen Maas: soprano saxophone
Roeland Vanhoorne: alto saxophone
Piet Rebel: tenor saxophone
Raf Minten: baritone saxophone

BL!NDMAN [drums]
Yves Goemaere: turntable
Hannes Nieuwlaet: turntable

BL!NDMAN [strings]
Floris Uytterhoeven: violin
Lotte Uytterhoeven: violin
Ine Kuypers: viola
Joyce Juipers: cello

BL!NDMAN [vox]
Griet De Geyter: soprano
Esther Kuiper: alto
Gunther Vandeven: counter tenor
Kevin Skelton: tenor 1
Peter De Laurentiis: tenor 2
Tiemo Wang: bass

Sam Serruys: sound technician

CROSS TALKS is a BL!NDMAN-production, commissioned by Cultuurcentrum De Spil – Roeselare (B) and coproduced by Festival van Vlaanderen Mechelen/Cultuurcentrum Mechelen (B)


Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 1
Giovanni Gabrieli: Udite, chiari e generosi figli
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 2
Adriaen Willaert: Quid non ebrietas
Adriaen Willaert: In convertendo
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 3
Adriaen Willaert: Douleur me bat & Tristesse m’affolle
Adriaen Willaert: Ricercar I a 4
Adriaen Willaert: O dolce vita mia
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 4
Adriaen Willaert: Beatus vir
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 5
Adriaen Gabrieli & G. Gabrieli: In nobil sangue – Amor s’è in lei
Adriaen Willaert: Ave regina caelorum
Adriaen Willaert: Quasi unus – Deus qui beatum marcum
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 6
Giovanni Gabrieli: Deus, qui beatum marcum
Eric Sleichim: Turntable intermezzo 7
Giovanni Gabrieli: Sacri di giove augei


16 Oct
CC Hasselt
Hasselt (BE)
16 Jul
St. Eutrope (org. Festival de Saintes)
Saintes (FR)
12 May
Mechelen (BE)
24 Feb
Antwerpen (BE)
10 Feb
Sint-Michielskerk (org. CC De Spil) (première)
Roeselare (BE)