Five thematic expositions will show a selection of the city of Antwerp collection of about 410.000 pieces of art. Each exposition will provide the visitor with the new baseline of the MAS: “Antwerp in the world & The world in Antwerp”.
Eric Sleichim was appointed to compose specific music for each thematic exposition. As is the case in movies, the music supports the story. Studio Tom Hautekiet was appointed to design the graphical part of the thematic expositions.
The building and the spatial layout of the exposition floors help create the image of the museum: yellow wooden floors, concrete walls decorated with brass rings, large horizontal wooden technical coves and metal trusses that carry the overhanging parts of the museum. The specific architecture of the building offers 7 clearly distinguishable areas per exposition box. On each floor 7 different exposition rooms give 7 completely different views on the subject. Each of these areas will receive a specific design, light intensity, use of colours, tactility and materialisation in terms of the story of the subtheme.
Eric Sleichim: concept and artistic direction
BL!NDMAN [sax]
Koen Maas: soprano saxophone
Roeland Vanhoorne: alto saxophone
Piet Rebel: tenor saxophone
Raf Minten: baritone saxophone
BL!NDMAN [drums]
Yves Goemaere: percussion
HannesNieuwlaet: percussion
Ruben Cooman: percussion
tom de cock > percussion
BL!NDMAN [strings]
Floris Uytterhoeven: violin
Lotte Uytterhoeven: violin
Ine Kuypers: alto
Joyce Kuipers: cello
BL!NDMAN [vox]
Griet De Geyter: soprano
Els Mondelaers: countertenor
Andreas Halling: tenor
Tiemo Wang: bass-baritone

Philip Glass:
Music in Similar Motion
Music in Contrary Motion
Music with Changing Parts
Terry Riley: In C