[sax] + Eric Sleichim
BL!NDMAN’s five saxophones each present themselves with a solo. From the high soprano to the deep and wondrously sonorous tubax. Each musician starts a dialogue with electronics, that add, multiply or manipulate the sound. An enchanting journey through the sound of the saxophone!
Eric Sleichim: artistic direction and tubax
BL!NDMAN [sax]
Raf Minten: baritone sax
Piet Rebel: tenor sax
Roeland Vanhoorne: alto sax
Koen Maas: soprano sax

Jonathan Harvey: Ricercare una Melodia
Daniele Ghisi: Comment pouvez-vous lire à présent? Il fait nuit
Giorgia Spiropoulos: Saksti
Eric Sleichim: Angel
Giacinto Scelsi: Maknongan
Olivier Messiaen / arr. Eric Sleichim: Le verbe (La Nativité du Seigneur Nr. 4)
06 Nov
Brussel - Bruxelles