Intra Muros
Intra Muros shows this controversial poet, film-maker and novelist while directing his last film and, just a few days before his death, holding forth passionately on politics, violence, power, utopia, arbitrariness, sex, life and death. His mother listens carefully but slips unnoticeably into the role of the ex-prostitute in Salò.
Eight young musicians play the children of left-wing intellectuals who suffer the vengeance of fascism in the film. They have become one with their instruments to such an extent that they give voice to the insides of their bodies. An angelic voice brings comfort, reviving memories of Pasolini’s brother, who died young, and of his lost lover Ninetto.
The issue Pasolini exposed so extremely in 1975 is still painfully topical: absolute and arbitrary power over the individual … in this film, Pasolini, who denounced the movement towards the right in Italy, wanted to hold up a merciless mirror to society. In Intra Muros, Pasolini is perhaps not directing his last film, but his own death.
Eric Sleichim: direction and music
Peter Verhelst: text
Jan Versweyveld: scenography and lighting design
Chris Snik: costumes
Veerle Vaes: stage design assistance
Katrijn Baeten: stage and video assistance
Hugo Koolschijn: as pier paolo pasolini
Kitty Courbois: as the mother and signora castelli
Jonathan De Ceuster: as the dead brother and ninetto (countertenor)
BL!NDMAN[4×4]vox (as the adolescents)
Sarah Abrams: soprano
Ana Nage: mezzo
Dick Vandaele: tenor
Thomas Vanlede: bass
BL!NDMAN[4×4]strings (as the adolescents)
Pieter Jansen: violin
Elke Vandeverre: violin
Marijn Thissen: viola
Romek Maniewski:cello
Intra Muros is a production of Muziektheater Transparanten BL!NDMAN in coproduction with toneelgroep amsterdam and Concertgebouw Bruggein collaboration with the Kaaitheater and with Grame/Lyon (centre national de création musicale) for the development of the electronics for sound manipulation and spatialisation, and with the support of the Flemish community for the composition commission. Thanks to Fabien Gérard, Tristero, Troubleyn and Kaaitheater.