England is besieged by enemies; Scotland, Ireland, Denmark and France lurk until the king shows a moment of weakness. Edward, king of England, is in love with rising star Gaveston and lives on love. He does not look after his wife Isabella, takes no more interest in politics and ignores the looming crisis.
As Edward renounces his duties and undermines his royal authority through his own behaviour, rebellion erupts in his realm. A group of nobles, led by Mortimer, demand Gaveston’s banishment. Instead of going to war against the real enemies of his kingdom, Edward battles the nobility and starts a civil war after Gaveston is executed by his opponents. It is not long before Edward is captured and Mortimer dances to the crown.
Marlowe’s play depicts a community dominated by brutality, a dark, lawless anti-world where love is powerless.
Ivo van Hove: direction
Christopher Marlowe: text
Eric Sleichim: music composition and sound design
Bart Van Den Eynde, Maja Zade: dramaturgy
Jan Versweyveld: scenography and lighting
An D’huys: costumes
Tal Yarden: video