De koningin zonder land
A devastating storm is tearing through the realm, a wall of water forces the king and queen out of their castle. And what’s more, out of their country. Their daughter does not feel at home anywhere, and in this new no man’s land she does not set a foot on the ground. Not even a toe. When her parents die, she crowns herself queen of a country that does not exist: a country only of words. ‘I am a living memory, a remnant, a last specimen.’
Following Porcelain and The girl the boy the river, director Wouter Van Looy is once again collaborating with the writer Paul Verrept. De koningin zonder land is a surprising contemporary fairytale about love and loss. To hide in an imagined past? Or set foot on alien soil after all? Any homeless person will recognize the young queen’s dilemma.
The resident composer Wim Henderickx translates her homesickness into a blistering score. The percussionists of BL!NDMAN [drums] and vocalists of VOCAALLAB carry you through the story of the queen without a country.
Wouter Van Looy: concept and direction
Wim Henderickx: composition
Paul Verrept: text
Reut Rivka
Natasha Young
Els Mondelaers
Frank Wörner vocals
BL!NDMAN [drums]
Ruben Cooman
Tom De Cock
Christiaan Saris
Marie Vink: narrative voice
Freija Van Esbroeck: set, video
Paul Delissen: video
Bart Celis: sound design
Jorrit Tamminga: electronics
Peter Quasters: video technology and lighting design
A production of Muziektheater Transparant in coproduction with Zomer van Antwerpen,
Concertgebouw Brugge, Parktheater Eindhoven, Acht Brücken Festival Köln, VOCAALLAB.
