Age of Rage
In Age of Rage, Ivo van Hove tells a primordial story of how revenge haunts and wrecks successive generations.
This performance is in line with earlier large-scale social productions such as Roman tragedies and Kings of war. This time the history of the Trojan War and the royal Atrid family is the starting point. Ifigeneia in Aulis, Trojan Women, Hekabe, Agamemnon, Elektra and Orestes are edited into one story. Age of Rage shows the mechanisms, inevitability and hopelessness of a circle of violence.
With BL!NDMAN [drums] live on stage and music composed by Eric Sleichim.
Ivo van Hove: direction
Eric Sleichim: music composition and sound design
Koen Tachelet: dramaturgy
Jan Versweyveld: scenography, light and video
An d’Huys: costumes
Wim Vandekeybus: choreography
BL!NDMAN [drums]
Hannes Nieuwlaet: percussion
Yves Goemaere: percussion
Ward De Ketelaere: percussion and coaching
Gideon Van Canneyt: percussion

De Volkskrant ***: “The physical commitment of the actors, who play, make music, sing and dance in the mud is awe-inspiring.”
Trouw ****: “Eerily beautiful dance and music make Age of Rage more than a bloodthirsty spectacle.”