From the very beginning of BL!NDMAN, Eric Sleichim searched for repertoire that exceeded the capabilities of the saxophone. Even in the 21st century, that search remains a focus. Each of the four musicians will perform a solo work for saxophone and electronics. Besides virtuosity and the confrontation with electronics, the physical implication of the performer is central. Finally, the quartet presents a work in which the four individuals reunite to form a quartet.
Eric Sleichim: direction and concept
BL!NDMAN [sax]
Koen Maas: soprano saxophone
Roeland Vanhoorne: alto saxophone
Piet Rebel: tenor saxophone
Raf Minten: baritone saxophone

Daniele Ghisi: Comment pouvez vous lire à present? Il fait nuit.
Jonathan Harvey: Ricercare una melodia
Eric Sleichim: Angel
Georgia Spiropoulos: Saksti
Sébastien Béranger: Axiomes – Maqâm II